Construction Graphics - Building Information Modeling Minor

Construction Graphics - Building Information Modeling Minor

Construction Graphics - Building Information Modeling Minor

With access to the latest technology, the minor in construction graphics - building information modeling (BIM) will expose students to BIM in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. Students who complete the minor will gain knowledge in current and emerging graphics theories and computer graphics technologies associated with design, documentation, modeling in construction.


The BIM minor is open to any Purdue University student on the West Lafayette campus.


  • All courses in the minor must be taken for a grade. P/NP is not an option.
  • A grade of “C-” or better must be obtained in all  BIM minor classes.
  • Only students pursuing four-year degrees are eligible for the BIM minor.

Prerequisite Courses

  • None

Required Courses (12 credit hours)

  • CGT 26200 (Intro to Construction Graphics 2D)–credit given to students who successfully complete CGT 16400
  • CGT 36000 (Application of Construction Documentation I)
  • CGT 46200 (Application of Construction Documentation II)
  • CGT 46000 (Building Information Modeling for Commercial Construction)

Other independent courses may be offered upon student request to the major professor in charge of BIM.

For more information, contact Professor Clark Cory