Mission, Vision, and Values

Vision Statement

The Department of Computer and Information Technology will be nationally recognized as a benchmark institution for educating professionals, practitioners, and future leaders of existing and emerging information technologies, and advancing economic development through engagement and discovery partnerships with business, industry, and government.

Mission Statement

The Department of Computer and Information Technology educates professional practitioners and managers of information technology, accelerates information technology transfer to business and industry, and develops innovations in the application of emerging information technology through learning, engagement, and discovery by its faculty and students.

  • To its students, the department provides world-class curricula that facilitate student-centered and laboratory-based learning of information technologies that are relevant to their lives and careers, valuable in terms of content and competencies, and connected to the needs of industry.
  • To industry, the department produces practitioner-oriented information technology professionals and future leaders who can immediately contribute to problem solving and business results through application of information technology. Computer and Information Technology actively partners with industry through engagement that both contribute to life-long learning as well as the discovery of application of information technology solutions to business needs.
  • To other educators, the department is a partner through professional service and discovery of learning that extends the frontiers of information technology education and outreach.
  • To society, the department is a citizen and partner that advance the economic and social development of the State of Indiana, the nation, and the world through technology transfer.