Purdue INhome team fairs well in engineering

Today Purdue INhome Team ranked #6 in Engineering! Overall Purdue is holding steady in third place with two more scoring results and measured contests left. With Communications and Market Appeal left, the team is confident in their overall score. We've been busy the past few days with public tours. It's a goal on our team to educate the public on how practical and easy it is to transition into solar living! The INhome is a prime example of not having to sacrifice modern comforts to live sustainably. By outreach and affordability, our team has accomplished its goal of showcasing a practical Midwest home and is constantly striving to surpass it. Watch team Purdue explain the INhome systems What's next?

  • Public Tours
  • Communications results- September 30th @2:30
  • Market Appeal results- October 1st @2:30
  • Competition results- October 1st @5:00

  Go Boilers!