What now for the class of 2014: Drew Hopkins

As the College of Technology’s May 2014 graduates complete their time at Purdue, we are profiling a few and finding out their future plans and how they arrived at this point in their lives.

Drew HopkinsDrew Hopkins, Mexico, Missouri
Software developer for General Motors in Atlanta, Georgia

Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering technology (EET)

Job duties
I will be placed on a team of developers, system architects and business systems analysts to work on software solutions to be delivered to GM customers, dealers and employees across the globe. Essentially, I will be writing code to build and support the systems, applications and platforms that GM utilizes daily.

Purdue classes that helped Drew prepare for his job
EET courses like Wireless Communications, Embedded Digital Systems, Concurrent Digital Systems, and PC Interfacing and Applications helped prepare me for a career at GM. Additionally, CoT’s technical selective allowed me to take courses outside of my major. One specific course that really sparked my interest in software was a computer and information technology course, Systems Development and Design.

Other ways the College of Technology and/or Purdue provided preparation and assistance
The College of Technology afforded me the opportunity to work on a company sponsored senior design. This unique experience allowed me to work on communication skills, specifically with a customer, as well as real-world, problem-solving skills. My project management experience grew exponentially from managing deadlines and deliverables.

Thanks go to:

  • First, I would like to thank my parents, who served as great role models; without them, I would not have been here.
  • Second, there have been many faculty members in EET to thank for their support during my time here. Specifically, I would like to thank Professor Neal Widmer, who taught one of the first courses I took, Concurrent Digital Systems. It was one of my favorite courses, which led me to be a lab assistant the following year. I also attended a study abroad program in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, with Professor Widmer as the sponsor of the group. Also, Tony Oxtoby served as a great mentor throughout my time in the EET program. In addition to taking three of his courses, I also became a lab assistant for the past three semesters.