I really liked computers in high school, so I found CIT. I like the variety of classes and the different avenues you can choose in the computer techie world. For a class project, we got to build a database scheme with one of the veterinary clinics in Lafayette.
Collin Stevens
Computer Information Technology
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Collin Stevens

Computer Information Technology

What would be one piece of advice for prospective or new students in college?

Know the actual plan of study and potentially take some courses in high school that count as college credit.

What other coursework are you doing to supplement your major?

I am minoring in Spanish and management.

What other activities are you involved in on-campus?

I am a member of Paint Crew, Ross Ade Boiler Brigade, and Techie Reps.

Have questions? Email me at steven91@purdue.edu
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Seeing the Boilermaker Special drive around campus
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Men’s home basketball games
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