I would like to thank Toni Munguia, Harley Barta and Clark Cory, who all served as incredible mentors to me. Professors Luciana Debs and Bryan Hubbard also brought in so many real-world design examples that pushed me to grow and enhanced my understanding.”
Lesley Adame-Rodriguez
Design and Construction Integration '24
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Lesley Adame-Rodriguez

Design and Construction Integration '24
Project Engineer for F.A. Wilhelm

Describe your potential job duties:  

Quality assurance and control for electrical design, and supporting the primary project manager. 

Who would you like to thank as you finish your time at Purdue and start your career?  

Antonia Munguia, Harley Barta, and Clark Cory. All three are focused on motivating Polytechnic students to be the best version of themselves.  All three helped push me at different times and helped me become better. Because of them, I am graduating with good grades and lots of motivation for the future. 

What specific classes helped prepare you for your new job? 

CGT 360. The class has projects that push you to understand the design process and how to communicate it best to the construction field. The professor, Clark Cory, is always open to helping no matter what and does a good job of explaining processes.  

If you had a favorite class, project, experience, or professor, what/who was it, and why?  

Professors Luciana Debs and Bryan Hubbard. Both brought in a lot of real-world design examples. They both went in-depth about history and how it relates to the modern needs of design. At the end of the day, their lessons and material stuck.